XWord Toolkit by JJO Software PURPOSE XWord is a fast, flexible and compact menu-driven crossword puzzle toolkit for the IBM PC and compatibles. While easy to use, the present release is intended for serious crossword puzzle creators. Future releases may include solve-for-fun capability, if registered users so desire. FEATURES 1. A define function permits entry of puzzle title and size, from 15x15 (NY Times daily) to 23x23 (NY Times Sunday). The default is 21x21. 2. By means of the cursor, words may be entered in any order and in any location of the puzzle grid; and, cursor speed is adjustable. 3. Words may be rubbed out (erased) from any location; but, they are saved to a "move" list and can be recovered and placed in another location. 4. The word lists "across," "down" and "move" and clues may be viewed at any time. 5. Clues need not be entered at the time words are entered into the puzzle grid. They may be entered and edited whenever it is convenient to do so. 6. A complete set of printed materials is produced: puzzle blank, list of clues and puzzle solution. Word numbers, blanks and "blocks" are automatically inserted. 7. All puzzle information, including the "move" list, is saved to a disk file. When the file is loaded, the puzzle size is set and words entered automatically. 8. Safety and ease of use. Functions are interlocked so as to prevent inadvertent loss of current the puzzle. In addition, you are beeped when attempting a function which cannot be accomplished from the current puzzle state. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS System: Any member of the IBM PC or PS/2 family, or compatible, with DOS 2.1, or later. Memory: 96 kb, over and above DOS and any resident programs, should be adequate. Video: XWord does not require graphics and has been run with IBM VGA, EGA, mono and CGA adapters, and a Hercules adapter. However, no accommodation has been made in this release for color monitors. Printer: An IBM ProPrinter, or one which emulates it, is needed to print the IBM block graphics characters used for printing the puzzle. RUNNING XWORD To run XWord, type XWORD at the system prompt. A title and copyright block will appear, followed by the main menu. Menu functions are selected by typing a key letter, in either upper or lower case, as follows: C)lues: View, add or edit clues for words already entered into the puzzle grid. You may enter or replace existing clues, or simply scroll through the word lists. D)efine: Create a new puzzle definition, including size and title. You will be cautioned that any current puzzle existing in memory will be lost so that you can exit and save it. E)dit: Invokes the XWord Editor which places the puzzle grid on the screen and permits words to be entered or rubbed out in any order and in any location. See XWord Editor for details. I)nfo: Displays this file screen by screen, if it's in the current directory. L)oad: Load a puzzle file from disk. You will be cautioned as for the Define function. Based upon the definition record, the puzzle is sized and titled automatically. N)ame: Name or rename the current puzzle. Has no effect otherwise. P)uzzle: View and print (optional) the current puzzle blank, clues list and solution (completed puzzle). S)ave: Save a puzzle file to disk. Automatically saves the current puzzle definition, title and word lists. W)ord: View and print (optional) the current word lists - "across," "down" and "move." X)it: quit. You will be cautioned as for the Define function. XWORD EDITOR Invoked from the main menu by E)dit, the editor is the XWord engine. Upon entry to the editor, the current puzzle name and size are shown, along with a grid for word placement. Words, if any, from the current lists are displayed in their proper locations. The active keys are: Cursor (4): arrow keys which position the cursor. Rate (1..8): change cursor travel rate to the selected value. If the rate is set greater than one, you may not be able to get to the edges of the grid. If so, simply reset to 1. +: insert a new word at the cursor location. You will be prompted to (1) specify "across" or "down" by means of the arrow (cursor) keys and (2) enter the word. -: rub out a word at the cursor location and place on the "move" list. You will be prompted to specify "across" or "down." *: place a word from the "move" list at the cursor location. You will be prompted to specify "across" or "down." The "move" list is then displayed and the word selected (by number) for placement on the grid. : exit the editor and return to the main menu. The editor performs checking to be sure that words will fit in the prescribed location and direction. If not, you are "beeped" and the operation is aborted. FUTURE UPGRADES Possible future functions/enchancements include: 1. A solve-for-fun capability with file setting to "read-only." 2. Greater range of sizes (and shapes?). Somewhat dependent upon video adapters, e.g., EGA. 3. Printout options as to size and placement. 4. Adjustments for color monitors. What is to be implemented, if anything, will be determined via feedback from the registered users. REGISTRATION Written communications from all XWord users will be accepted and answered. However, only registered users will be given a daytime phone number which may be used for discussing upgrades and for technical support. Registered users are to receive at least one upgrade, not including bug fixes. To register, send a $20 check or money order along with your name, address and phone number (optional) to: JJO Software 174 Westover Court Delran, NJ 08075 ***